Sports & Rules Home

Listed here are all of the current Intramural Sports events and the associated rules. A sport listed below may not be currently offered. Please log in to for the most updated information regarding registration. If you need additional clarification on a rule, please consult the Intramural Sports staff. Please note that all participants are subject to the rules listed here as well as all Policies and Procedures found here


League Key

"Open" Teams and individual entries have no gender requirements.
"Co-Rec" Teams must meet minimum requirements for male and female identifiying participants.
"Advanced" Participants familiar, experienced, and/or skilled in the sport.
"Beginner" Participants unfamiliar, inexperienced, and new to the sport.
"Women" Participants whom identify as women.
"Sorority" Participants part of an officially recognized UC Santa Cruz sorority or frarority.