Get Involved with the Rec

Get involved with the Rec and be a part of our vision for student leadership development. Over 60 student staff and volunteers serve as:

Position Title Handshake Job # Time Commitment
Admin Assistants 6666894 (Non-work study)
6666759 (Work study)
8-12 hrs/wk
Adventure Rec Leaders (Adventure Trips, Kayak Tours)

7703195 Non-work study)

7703232 (Work study)

2-4 trips/qtr
Rec Rental Assistants 6666759 (Non work-study)
6667005 (Work-study)
8-12 hrs/wk
Surf Instructors 6898811 3-9 hrs/wk
Volunteers n/a 2-4 hrs/wk

For most student positions, hiring occurs in the spring quarter and begins the following fall quarter. We hope to see you around!

Questions? Contact the Rec Office. 831-459-2806;