Inner Tube Water Polo Rules
- All matches will be played at the East Field House 50M Pool unless otherwise stated. Alcohol and tobacco are not permitted at the complex or in the parking lot.
- All UC Santa Cruz Intramural Sports eligibility rules apply. Please check the Intramural Sports Policies & Procedures carefully to see more details
- All players must have a valid, original UC Santa Cruz or state-issued physical photo identification to participate
- Players must compete in 2 regular season games to be eligible for playoffs
- Each team must consist of at least 4 players and up to 14 players
- Co-Rec leagues, if offered, require each team to consist of at least 4 eligible players. There may not be any more than three players on the court at all times identifying as the same gender
- Inner tubes and a game ball will be provided
- Each player must sit or lay on top of the tube at all times during play
- legs should not be in the center of the tube
- Participants are required to remove or cover all jewelry including earrings, rings, bracelets, etc. prior to playing 5v5 Basketball games. Covered jewelry must remain covered throughout participation. Intramural Sports will not provide tape for covering jewelry
- Intramural Sports will provide equipment. Players may choose to play with their own ball if both captains agree on the ball
- If participants break equipment, the participants are subject to suspension and fines covering the cost of replacement
- Team captains will meet with Intramural Sports Officials on duty to discuss game rules. Intramural Sports Supervisor on duty will also be available to assist with rule clarification
- The game begins when the ref drops the ball at mid-pool. All players must be at their end of the pool
- The game will consist of 4 seven-minute periods with a running clock. There will be 2 minutes between halves.Teams change ends only at the half.
- The following are the players' positions: Right and Left Forwards; Right, Center, and Left Backs; Goalie. Players are to pass, catch, and throw the ball to team members or toward the goal in an attempt to score upon the opposing team
- Players may use one or both hands at all times. The forward line players should remain on offense and not attempt to drop back more than half the distance to the goal. No part of the offensive players' body may penetrate the two- yard line
- The defensive line should keep in mind that they are the main line of defense for the goalie and should not venture more than half way up the goal (this is optional). The Goalie's Area will extend five feet from the end of the pool, or extend two yards and span the entire width of the playing area. No offensive player is permitted in this area.
- The goalie may not throw the ball more than half the length of the pool at any time. The goalie may not leave his/her inner tube while effectively guarding the goal.
- There are 2 one-minute timeouts allowed per team.
- The player in control of the ball is required to call the timeout.
- The Penalty Area will extend twelve feet from the end of the pool or fifteen feet from the Goalie's Area line.
- A free throw is awarded after a minor infraction. The non-violating team member nearest the spot of the infraction puts the ball into play by passing or advancing the ball. Opponents may not touch, impede, or interfere with his/her attempt to pass the ball. One pass must be made before any attempted goal
- A penalty shot is awarded to the offensive team if a player is fouled inside the four-yard line. All players except the goalie must leave the penalty area until the shot is taken. No player may be within one yard of the thrower. Should the shot be missed, the ball is free and continues in play
- A free throw is awarded to the opposing team from the same point where the ball went out of bounds. The player nearest this exit point takes the throw
- A Goal is awarded only after the entire ball has crossed completely into the goal
- After each score, the ball is put into play from the supervisor by returning it to the goalie just scored upon
- No player may leave his/her inner tube to touch or maneuver the ball; otherwise, they will be assessed a personal foul and a free throw or penalty throw is awarded to the nearest opponent
- Also, if tipped out of the tube, a player may not touch or control the ball until back in the tube and sitting
- A participant must remain in his/her tube at all times. If he/she falls or gets dumped out, he/she must attempt to get into the tube immediately
- No movement in the pool or touching the ball is allowed if a player is not sitting in his/her tube
- Anyone inside the goalie's area is considered a goalie, and that player may not throw the ball more than half the distance of the pool. The goalie may not leave his/her inner tube to perform his/her task (i.e. he must stay in the tube to block a shot). Penalty will be loss of ball
- Players may not splash other players. Penalty will be loss of ball
- Offensive players are not allowed in the opponent's goalie area. If a free ball lands in the goalie's area, the goalie has five seconds to gain control of the ball and have it touch another player's hand out of the area
- A player may defend him/herself while controlling the ball, but an offensive or defensive player may not use excessive force while doing his/her duties. A player may not pass the ball to him/herself
- Substitutions may only be made during timeouts, after a goal is scored, or between halves.
- Losing the possession of the ball to the other team by a free throw.
- Holding the ball under water.
- Goalie throws the ball more than half the distance of the pool.
- Offensive player entering the goalie's area without the ball.
- Holding, pushing, dunking, or dumping an opponent not possessing the ball.
- Goalie holding on to the side of the pool while catching or passing the ball.
- Persistently repeating an infraction, even after the referee has given warnings.
- Tipping an opponent out of his/her tube immediately after a score, in an attempt to discount score.
- Grabbing or touching another player around the head or neck.
- A free throw is awarded to the nearest opponent on all personal fouls.
- A penalty shot is awarded to the nearest player if the foul occurs within the penalty area
- Flagrant penalties include:
- Attacking, striking, or kicking an opponent in such a manner, as in the opinion of the referee, to endanger another person
- Flagrantly refusing obedience to a referee's request
- Exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct
- Flagrant penalties will result in the offending player immediately leaving the game, and not playing the rest of the game, resulting in the offending team playing one player short for the duration of the half
- No over time during the regular season
- Two 3 minute periods of Golden Goal play
- Continue additional three minutes until there is a winner
- Players must compete in 2 regular season games to be eligible for playoffs
- The playoff schedule may not be consistent with the times you selected during the regular season
- Overtime is used during playoffs, there must be a winner
- Games must begin within 10 minutes after the scheduled game time. Failure to field a team at that time shall result in a forfeit
- Teams that forfeit games will result in the team captain receiving a $10 Forfeit Fine, the forfeiting team receiving a "2" sportsmanship rating, and have the game recorded as a loss in addition to a negative score differential of 10 points for that game
- Teams that forfeit two games in a season will be removed from playoffs
- If I know my team will not be to play a game I will take the following action to avoid a forfeit:
- Notify the Intramural Sports office by filling out the Default Form (found on the Intramural Sports website or Instagram) by 2:00pm for weekday games and by 7:00am on weekends. The game will be recorded as a default