Branding & Marketing

Marketing Asset Requests

Have an important message or important highlight (program registration, game recaps, player of the week, special event, etc.) to tell the UC Santa Cruz community? 

The Athletics & Recreation Department Marketing Team can help with that! Get featured on our social media handles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube), the GoSlugs mobile application, REACH screens in our facilities, and/or have physical content created (banners, flyers, post cards, video, etc.).

Fill out the form preferably with 2-3 week notice and we'll take care of the rest with your final approval. Please keep in mind professional, concise, and accurate information works best.

Expect a response within 2 business days from the department's Marketing Team and to possibly arrange a meeting if any other questions or concerns arise.

Thank You & Go Slugs!

Branding Materials


Flyer Posting

In an effort to improve our appearance the posting policy for fliers, posters and signs are as follows:  Post fliers, posters, or sign announcements on the bulletin board, under your programs designated space.

Bulletin board locations:

  1. East Field House - pool deck
  2. East Field House – hallway upstairs near program offices
  3. East Field House - stairwell bulletin board
  4. East Gym - display case within the breezeway near the team locker rooms
  5. West Gym - display case near the entrance
  6. Fitness Center - bulletin boards with Associate Director of Facilities’ approval 

Sandwich boards - available by request (only for special events) 

Programs are to maintain their bulletin board, by removing all out dated materials.  The facility center student employees will assist with removing out dated fliers. Please do not post any posters, fliers, schedules, and announcements on the glass windows or glass doors. Posters, fliers, schedules, announcements on the glass windows or glass doors will be removed.

The posting of flyers or newsletters by non-Athletics & Recreation groups/individuals are prohibited without prior permission.  Please submit posting requests via the Marketing Asset request form linked above.